Sunday, January 18, 2009

Secret #2 Honoring Your Inspirations

Chapter 2/Secret 2 of The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women: Honoring Your Inspirations…
When I was reading this chapter I was trying to guess like the teacher’s pet student I was when I was young what Jamie and the rest of the group would choose as THE focus key this week. As I read through several of the first posted blogs I grew more and more rankled and itch-y, realizing I was/am slightly out of step. The enthusiasm and reverence I read for ritual actually kinda riled me. Just the word ritual makes my inner rebel rise up, though at the same time reading some so freely shared does sound peaceful and serene.

  • I think of ritual as:

Albert Einstein is attributed with the quote: ‘Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.’ When I think of creativity I think of spontaneity and it just seems illogical to me for ritual to have a place in it. It’s good for productivity, maybe, but not creativity. Guess I’ll hafta think about that some more. But then it also seems to me there’s an awful lot of list-ing going on in your creative worlds all you creative women are opening up to me and I despise lists. *Grins* (to me list is a dirty four-letter word I think of mostly in terms of Limit Imposed Scheduled Tasks)

Ironically though, the quote that spoke loudest and deepest to me in this week’s chapter comes at the very end of the section on ritual Cathleen Rountree says, "The creative process is like a lover and you must treat it as such. You must treat it with respect, with regard, with appreciation, with love, with joy, with gratitude, with fear, with all the complexities of a relationship. And if you are able to give of yourself in the way that it requires, it really becomes a relationship." And McMeekin goes on to say, ‘This bonding with your creative self entails acknowledgment and the honoring of its wisdom.’ Personally, I’m excited by the idea of that kind of ‘affair’.

My creative self is wooed (inspired) by cottage and rustic/primitive interiors of comfort and beauty in magazine photos and coffee table-style books, art museums, time spent communicating with other creatives in a variety of fields and genres, reading stories/profiles/blogs of women who do whatever it is they find joy and accomplishment in (Suzie’s and other interviews and your blogs for great example), babies’ hands & feet & smiles and eyes, children, weddings, couples who love and respect one another, achievers, strivers, overcomers, the ocean, the mountains, farm land, cities, villages, churches, color, texture, spice-y fragrances, lush and whimsical gardens - lol, I’m inspired RIGHT now to devote a whole notebook to my inspirations. I hadn’t realized I had so many!

As to sanctuary – I’m growing into the appreciation of the fact that as an empty nester now living alone MOST of the time I have the freedom to allow MOST of my home to evolve into creative sanctuary if I so choose. It’s another irony that close on the heels of that becoming my reality first injury and then the sudden and rapid acceleration of rheumatoid arthritis limitations have frustrated progress. I’m slower than I want to be at this time but determined to make it so. Open, accessible desk space in the main living area with a new desk chair I can more easily get up from have been a recent giant step in that direction. I’m now contemplating accessibility and functionability accommodations for the sewing room and welcome any suggestions for limiting pain while using tools such as my rotary cutters.


  1. Yay for you! Listen to your inner rebel, she's gonna lead you right where you wanna go.

  2. Love your Ritual acronym! And how awesome it must be to have your home evolve into your very own personal sanctuary.

    Great post.

  3. A highly creative rebellious woman! Huzzah! I always love finding someone with a totally different perspective on our chapter topics-- it awakens me to so many more options and possibilities, gets me thinking "outside the box." Wonderful. Thank you!

  4. Another creative perspective! I've so enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts on this chapter. May you continue to be visited by your inspirations in your own way - in your own time. There are no limitations here! If I see any ergonomic tools, etc, I will pop back to share. There must be many options out there... perhaps one of our creative tribe reading here could design some? Thank you for sharing!

  5. I agree--that the idea of a set structure promotes imaginative practice sounds counter intuitive. However, I think we create rituals not because we feel chained to them or are helplessly dependent upon them, but simply because we like them. There is comfort, a goodness, a juiciness about them. :)

    Very interesting insight! Also--I see you're reading the Artists Way. What are your thoughts on that book so far? I started reading it and didn't much care for it. I'd love to hear what you think!

    Much Joy~*

  6. your acronyms made me giggle :)
    i have to say i am only a recent convert to lists, having just completed my list of 101 things i want to do... because i found it actually focussed me (something i can do with occasionally! ;)

    but what wins your heart, well, what a glorious list of delights!

  7. Awesome! I find it so inspiring when someone brings in another rhythm.

    I have to say, when you put having an affair with creativity up against creating lists, well, um... Okay, truthfully, I love them both, lol. Yes, I like lists that much, hehe.

    A book of inspirations and a sanctuary sounds delicious. Enjoy!

  8. I'm the same way about rituals! I HATE repetition, LOL. I love that you like rustic cottagey spaces and need more space to create. You know what you like and what doesn't work. May the creating begin!

  9. Pickling oak? I have never heard of that before Sheila, fascinating. Thank you!
